Fredericka, a pinnacle of contemporary elegance within George Gooley's distinguished collection, invites the communities of Lismore, Ballina, and Casino into a realm of refined fashion and sophistication. Nestled in these Northern Rivers towns, Fredericka curates a timeless selection of bespoke apparel and accessories, seamlessly blending classic aesthetics with modern allure. Our stores are sanctuaries for those seeking impeccable craftsmanship and enduring style, reflecting the brand's commitment to luxury and quality. From tailored ensembles to statement accessories, Fredericka caters to the discerning tastes of our patrons, offering an immersive shopping experience where each piece embodies the epitome of refined opulence. Step into our Lismore, Ballina, and Casino locations and elevate your wardrobe with the distinctive allure of Fredericka.

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