Returns & Replacements

If for any reason you are not happy with your order, we’ll exchange it or refund your money.

We happily accept goods for return or exchange on the following basis.

  1. The product is returned within 90 days from receipt.
  2. All of the tags are still attached to the item.
  3. All of the original packaging is with the item in reusable condition.
  4. The product has not been worn and is in new condition.
  5. The original receipt or a copy of the receipt must be included.
  6. We are not able to refund or replace an item that has had alterations.
  7. Goods sold in sealed packaging, eg underwear, can only be returned if unopened. Please check the packaging carefully as opened product is deemed unhygenic and therefore unable to be returned for refund or credit.
  8. Unless the item is faulty or damaged, you’ll be responsible for all shipping costs.
  9. Online purchases can be returned or exchanged in our retail stores.

If for any reason you are not happy with your order, we’ll happily exchange it.  If for any reason this is not the case, you are able to return your purchase within 90 days of the order date.

Address returns to: Gooleys Online, 118 Molesworth Street, Lismore NSW 2480

Your refund or credit will be processed within 10 business days of receipt of return, via the same method payment was made. If you used a credit or gift voucher it will be credited to you as a credit voucher.

If you’d like to exchange for a different size or product please contact our customer service team. They can make sure that we have the product in stock and then it on hold for you until we receive the original product from you. All costs of returns and resends are to be paid by the customer.